Ongoing work by Polytech'Nantes students


  • Explore possible digital envelope extraction methods that would be good alternatives to the Hilbert transform
  • Benchmark FPGA/DSP devices and find the one that is best suited to perform a digital envelope extraction in the echOpen probe
  • Implement the best solution on the FPGA/DSP

Steps of the project

Explore envelope extraction algorithms

  • Using the jupyter notebook playground, explore different implementations of the envelope detection
  • Write some documentation about your findings : what were the algorithm tested, what results where achieved (RMSE, computation time) ? Give references of articles if you have some.

Reproduce echOpen images and evaluate their quality

pre-requisites : codes of Hilbert transform and scan-conversion implemented in the echOpen pipeline, raw signals and corresponding images of phantoms

  • Use the codes provided by echOpen engineers to reconstruct images from raw signals

  • Check that the reconstructed images are exactly the same as the reference ones, by computing the RMSE

  • Deduce the corresponding value of axial resolution as well as the curve of lateral resolution vs depth. See the Protocol for image quality assessment for more details.

Challenge the current implementation in the echOpen device

pre-requisites : codes of scan-conversion implemented in the echOpen pipeline, raw signals and corresponding images of phantoms

  • Use the Protocol for comparing envelope extraction methods to compare your own envelope detection algorithms to the one currently implemented in the echOpen probe
  • Determine what is the best solution in terms of image quality
  • Write documentation about your findings : what is the best algorithm and why ?

Assess the feasibility of a Hilbert transform on a FPGA/DSP

// Autor : Alister Trabattoni
// Date : 14/04/2017
// license : GPL
// This module perform a so called AB demodulation according to the article 
// "An Efficient Analytic Signal Generator" by Clay S. Turner (which can be 
// found at We do count on compiler
// optimisation to remove multiplication with zero coefficients since it allows
// a much more readeble code.

module abdemod (output [9:0] dout,
                input signed[9:0] din,
                input clk);

  // parameter declaration
  parameter width = 10; 
  parameter n = 32;   
  // coefficents are stored in a big vector. As vector are by default in big
  // endian notation first coefficients will come out last. It suits our purpose
  // since coefficients need to be flipped in a convolution. Nota bene that 
  // vector part select is by default unsigned. The $signed() system task will
  // be needed.
  parameter coefs = {10'b0000000000,10'b0000000000,10'b0000000000,

  // register declaration
  reg signed [width-1:0] sr;
  reg signed [2*width-1:0] mult [0:n-1];
  reg signed [2*width-1+$clog2(width):0] a_pipeline [0:n-1];
  reg signed [2*width-1+$clog2(width):0] b_pipeline [0:n-1];  
    wire signed [(2*width-1+$clog2(width))*2:0] square;

  // loop variable declaration
  integer i; 

  // behavioral modeling
  always @(posedge clk) begin
    sr <= din;  
    // transposed FIR with both coefs and reversed time coefs (a and b signals)
    for (i=0; i<n; i=i+1) begin
      mult[i] <= sr * $signed(coefs[i*width+:width]);  
      if (i==0) begin
        a_pipeline[i] <= mult[i];
        b_pipeline[i] <= mult[n-i-1];
      else begin
        a_pipeline[i] <= a_pipeline[i-1] + mult[i];
        b_pipeline[i] <= b_pipeline[i-1] + mult[n-i-1];

  // truncation according to a gain of 2^(width-1)
  assign square = a_pipeline[n-1]*a_pipeline[n-1] + b_pipeline[n-1]*b_pipeline[n-1];    
    assign dout = square[35:26];

  • Simulate an implementation of Hilbert transform on a DSP, and find a DSP that would allow to reconstruct 10-12 images per second, while being as cheap as possible
  • Write documentation about your findings : pros/cons of each solution

Assess the feasibility of an alternative for envelope extraction on a FPGA/DSP

  • Simulate an implementation of the alternative method for envelope extraction on FPGA, and find a FPGA that would allow to reconstruct 10-12 images per second, while being as cheap as possible
  • Simulate an implementation of the alternative method for envelope extraction on a DSP, and find a DSP that would allow to reconstruct 10-12 images per second, while being as cheap as possible
  • Write documentation about your findings : comparison of Hilbert transform vs alternative method, and best choice for the implementation (based on costs and performances)

Implement the best solution

  • Implement the best solution
  • Check that it allows to achieve the desired framerate and image quality
  • Write documentation : how to install/use the code, conclusion about performances

Expected deliverables

  • Documentation : our main information medium is this gitbook. Your documentation must be written in markdown so that we can include it here ;-)
    With your permission, we will put some links to your github accounts in the files you have written.

  • Codes : Python/C++/Verilog codes of the different solutions explored + implementation of the retained algorithm.

List of authors



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