In progress

May 2017 - Ongoing

We're currently finishing the documentation of V3.0.0 release (available here).

At the same time, we are gathering ideas in order to prepare next CapTech. A CapTech is a one-day meeting gathering medicotechnical contributors as well as external advisors. Given the achievements of the latest release, the next requirements to address are determined. These ones are translated in terms of technical specifications and UX design and the iteration planning is fixed.

Preparing CapTech is the subsection where each team gathers ideas about the objectives of the next iteration. It used to be an internal document so it might be unclear on some points. Don't hesitate to contact the relevant team if you have any question or suggestion.

As the fourth CapTech hasn't occured yet, the following subsections are empty:

Requirements: once the CapTech has occured, you will find here the objectives of the fourth iteration.

Iteration planning: here you will find information about ongoing tasks to be completed for the next release.

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