Contribution guide

All the prototyping contributions are done through the echOpen GitHub.

Each team has its own repository. We use GitHub teams to materialize the relationship between team members and handle access rights to our repositories. Each team has at least one maintainer (or owner) who is in charge of the corresponding repo.

We use GitHub project boards to manage the ongoing tasks within the iteration planning. Each team has several project boards allowing its members to get an overview of the state of progress, and to assign themselves some tasks.

Become a contributor

To become a contributor, start by creating your own GitHub account. Send an e-mail to [email protected] to be added as a member of the echOpen GitHub organization. Please let us know your GitHub username.
This is necessary for you to follow the steps described below ! Once you're part of the echOpen organization, you can :

  • Explore our team list and subscribe to the one(s) that you would like to integrate
  • Fork the team's repo
    To know more about forking on GitHub, jump to the help page.

  • Explore the team's project boards. Needs for contribution correspond to cards that are in the "To Do" or "Top Priority" lists.

  • To contribute to some tasks, assign yourself the corresponding issue and move the card to "In Progress". Assignement to tasks is not exclusive. If you're interested in helping on some task already assigned to a contributor, just assign yourself the task as well and write a comment on the corresponding issue to get in touch with your co-workers. For the sake of project management, please only assign yourself tasks that you will actually work on!

  • Once the task is complete, check that your contribution fulfills the "closing criteria" that are detailed in the corresponding issue.

  • Make a pull request referencing the issue
    To know more about pull requests on GitHub, jump to the help page.

  • Move the card to "Done". You're done !

List of authors


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