Running the app

After, you can launch the Gradle wrapper from the project directory, example:


```./gradlew assembleDebug```


```gradlew.bat assembleDebug```

To install on a device:

  • Switch the Android device to dev mode (generally, tap 7 times on "Version number" in parameters)
  • Enable USB debugging
  • Connect the device to your computer (with screen unlocked to see the prompt)
  • Accept the prompt on your device, to authorize your computer
  • Launch gradlew with installDebug

Note: It seems that we use android-sdk 19 but current android-sdk version is 24 now...

How to contribute

Report a bug, ask for features, for all of this, we use Github issues

You can fork the projet, add something or fix a bug and make a pull request. We'll review the code as quick as possible.

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