Playing and Testing Data

A lots of tools enable you to test and play with the data :

Some generalities

The app let you get data via TCP or UDP protocol. By default, the system works with TCP protocol. To test UDP data you can switch to redpitaya_udp_data branch. @todo : create a developer mode, first screen app will then let you change the protocol(done) and set up the rights hardware constants (number of lines, number of samples...).

Constants are set in the Constants class in the utils package. The critical ones are : PreProcParam.NUM_LINES and PreProcParam.NUM_SAMPLES, that corresponds to the number of lines and the number of samples the hardware is acquiring.

If you want to simulate TCP data transfer, you can put in the doInBackground method of the ProcessTCPTask some lines as :

              int num_lines = Constants.PreProcParam.NUM_LINES;
              int num_samples = Constants.PreProcParam.NUM_SAMPLES;
              byte[] message = new byte[num_lines * num_samples];

              for (int i = 0; i < num_lines; i++) {
                  for (int j = 0; j < num_samples; j++) {
                          message[i*rows +j] = (byte) / the pixel data you want from à to 255 /;
              ScanConversion scnConv = ScanConversion.getInstance(message);
(don't forget to comment the piece of code dealing with sockets !)

Simulating real data

You'll find in the kit-soft repo, you'll find some real data file raw_data.txt that was output by our hardware suite.

In this repo, you'll find all the tools to install on your local a UDP server that can simulate a real time data coming from our hardware.

Simulating fake but medical data

You can get fake data either

  1. from the kit-soft repo, where you'll find some real data file raw_data.txt that was output by our hardware suite. In this repo, you'll find all the tools to install on your local a UDP server that can simulate a real time data coming from our hardware.
  2. from the phantom directory in the Android App. You'll find in phantom/img_kydney.txt and phantom/img_obs.txt the data that is output from the Hardware. The goal is to build and obtain from each of these double arrays the images stored respectively as phantom/img_kydney.bmp and phantom/img_obs.bmp.

Remark : you'll have to adapt the following constants, set in the utils/Constants class, to PreProcParam.NUM_LINES = 50 and PreProcParam.NUM_SAMPLES to respectively 9270 for phantom/img_kydney.txt and 10261 for phantom/img_obs.txt

The image img_kydney.bmp is more realistic than img_obs.bmp.

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Simulating data with a plain JAVA app

In the phantom/test_data directory, you'll find a plain JAVA app that lets you test and taste the data without the hassle of bothering with Android configuration and other heaviness.

phantom/img_kydney.txt and phantom/img_obs.txt corresponds to the raw signal that needs to be filtered. They serve as basis for the envelope detection from which pixels intensity are deduced. The resulting pixel file sits in data_kydney.csv

In the phantom folder, there are some java classes that are meant to ran outside of android. This is useful for testing and improving the , without the hassle of running an android emulator.

Remark : you'll have to adapt the following constants, set in the utils/Constants class, to PreProcParam.NUM_LINES = 120 and PreProcParam.NUM_SAMPLES = 511

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