local data set

For local usage, the data can be found from the assets/data/raw_data folder. By default, the local dataset that is used is data_phantom.csv.

Setting your dataset

Formating the dataset

Suppose you want to use your own dataset. Then

  • each line corresponds to an acquisition line
  • each row corresponds to sampled data for one acquisition line
  • edit the public void fetchData(BitmapDisplayerFactory bitmapDisplayerFactory) method in the MainActivity and adapt the code this way

Update the code

AssetManager assetManager = getResources().getAssets();
InputStream inputStream = assetManager.open("data/raw_data/foo.csv");

If you do not want to use OpenCV but the custom home made scan conversion tool, which we do not encourage to, then you have to set up constants accordingly to the section Home-made scan conversion of the Back End/constants of this book.

Putting you data in the echOpen format

In order for the data to be processed, we invite the contributor to follow our format. We are currently migrating our datasets to this format.

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