How to contribute

If you want to contribute to echOpen project, you should read this first and then go and follow your instinct there -> repo.

Contributing to Code

Set up dev env

The project uses gradle as a build tool and we advise the use of Android Studio as an ide.

You must create and set file. There, you must set the paths to the Android SDK and the Android NDK. The Android SDK installation is well documented here. You’ll find the doc related to Android NDK here. You’ll need to download and install the materials found there.

For C/C++/python... coders, the JNI configuration is already set to wrap non java code and libraries. It is not easy to maintain these kind of code but the performance will be our benchmark in the sense that if the advantage of using C/C++/python... tools is so important that it provides images drastically closer to real time, this solutions will be adopted.

Fork and code

The code is forkable from https//

  • Create your own branch
  • Write your code, following the convention detailed below

Test the code

Wait ! Your code you write must be covered with tests. It should pass the specific tests of your code and pass all the echOpen tests.

As mentionned above, it is of critical medical interest that the image can be displayed in near real time, at most ~15-20fps (frame per second), the code should not lower the performance of the app. A lot of tools help monitoring the performance and debugging issues. VisualVM is good stuff to deal with, and it is Open Source.

The code is under continuous integration. We use Travis CI tool. You'll find the current test params there

Pull requests

To submit your code, you must run a Pull Request, see here for the way to do that.


All the contributors will have their name set in our Wall of Fame !!

Contributing via Documentation : for Noobs and Experts

Some times, parts of code or part of its documentation remain cryptic or non documented at all. It is a perfect fit for contributions.

For contributors already easy with coding, it is a good way to dive into the code and turn it more familiar. For those that are not really easy with coding, they can also contribute to detect : typos, non observance of the coding convention described below.

Code format

Naming Convention

The *.java files have the same name as the class whom they are the source of.

package : names are lower-cased

classes, interfaces and constructors : each words that decomposes the name has a first capital caracter example : MyClass, MyGreatInterface

methods and variables are camel-cased - they should be meaningful

setters and getters of a field are named setField and getField

for specific pattern as Builder or Factories, this should be user MyClassBuilder, MyClassFactory

Code documentation

The indentation unit is 4 spaces

A blank line should always be used in the following cases:

  • Before the declaration of a method
  • Between the declarations of local variables and the first line of code
  • Before a review of a single line
  • Before each logic section in the code of a method

As for breaking long lined code :

  • Avoid line greater than 80 characters
  • Break after a comma
  • Break before an operator
  • Align the new line with the beginning of the expression at the same level on the previous line

Classes are grouped by functional packages according to homogeneity criteria.

Each class is documented the following way

constants are upper-cased

 * Created by author on 01/01/2092.
 *  Description of the class

The class and interfaces declaration meet the following schema

  • Comments as detailed above
  • The declaration of the class or interface
  • The declaration of variables in the following order public > protected > private
    • first static class variables
    • then instance variables
  • Constructor(s)
  • the methods

Non-trivial methods are documented

 * @param Param1 param1
 * @param Param2 param2
 * @return Value value
 * @exception Exception1 exception description
  public Value myMethod(Param1 param1, Param2 param2){...}

The comments useful for the code understanding can be in-lined or multi-lined inside the code

More specific conventions

No shorthands for if-then-else loops in order to enhance the easiness of development

There should be a space between the class name and the opening brace

 MyClass extends OtherClass {


  MyClass extends OtherClass 

depending on your religious practice ;)

Reporting issue

Resolving Issue

All the echOpen issues are opened and discussed on GitHub. For code issue, you can help verify that the issue by bringing some clear reproducible steps. Proscribe bugs documentation such as damn, it does not work, why.

When a solution is supposed to solve the issue, ideally you should implement and pull request the solving code along with its test.

Since it is of critical medical interest that the image can be displayed in near real time, at most ~15-20fps (frame per second), the code should not lower the performance of the app. As indicated above, a lot of tools help monitoring the performance and debugging issues. VisualVM is good stuff to deal with, and it is Open Source.

Create a bug report on GitHub

Any issue related to the app or the documentation can be reported here.

You should follow the following plan to report the issue :

Synthetic title > Brief abstract > all details > proposals of resolution if any > discussion

Any bug must be as documented as possible and should reproduce each step that leads to it. If you have a suggestion to fix it, include it in the bug report.

Each issue should be labelled with the help of our dedicated GitHub labels.

If you’re not a GitHub user and you have no intent to be, please contact us via email : contact [at]

Remark If any vulnerability issue is found, please please email us rather than issuing on GitHub -> contact[at]

Android App

Android-App display overview (this section will undergo serious changes)

In order to prevent form too verbose classes, we’ll follow as much as possible the MVC pattern.

Each android Activity inherits from CustomActivity

Each Activity should call an initActionController() method. This method instantiates some MyActivityActionController that takes in load the templating of the Activity



The utils directory is dedicated to some helper routines to facilitate logging, async loading, touch effects,...

The constants that relies on each android specific devices will be defined via Config singleton class. And the physical constants related to the incoming raw signal will be defined in Constants.PreProc class


This is related to the image post-processing.

echOpen will rely on BoofCV library as an image processing tool. It is pure JAVA libraries, contrary to the well-known OpenCV, which is C/C++ library.

As specified in the BoofCV doc, one have to turn the images - say for instance bitmap image - in ImageUInt8 or ImageFloat32 class in order to use simply BoofCV

 File image = new File($ultrasound_file);
 Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(image.getAbsolutePath());
 ImageUInt8 boofcv_image = ConvertBitmap.bitmapToGray(bitmap, (ImageUInt8) null, null);

for those interested, here's a link to find OpenCV vs. BoofCV performance benchmark. As said there, OpenCV seems better on low level operations but BoofCV seems better on most of high level operations.

The client does not worry about BootCV Images class, they are instanciated from BaseImage. Then client throws to image processor class an ImageView and gets backs a BitMap class. Any filter must inherit from BaseProcess. For instance, the app implements this kind of code corresponding to a wavelette denoising treatment.

  WaveletDenoise waveletDenoise = new WaveletDenoise(image); 
  bitmap = waveletDenoise.getBitmap();

Processing can take a long time. It is recommended to wrap it in an AsyncTask !


This deals with scan conversion. The incoming raw signal is formatted in polar coordinate, so as a (r,θ)-array : the r-coordinate corresponds to data whose steps are sampled with some fixed step, and the θ-coordinate corresponds to the angle of the emission-reception signal line, with again some fixed step. The scan conversion converts this (r,θ)-array to a orthonormal (X,Z)-array that fits the pixels of the device.

Guide to release notes

story to be continued

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